How to Create Buyer Persona and benefit resources


Buyer Persona and Unique selling preposition are the core points for all business models whether it is brand awareness , Product or service, you need to answer two questions :

  • Who is your customer, and what problem you are trying to solve ?
  • How to make your business standout in the crowd while others has failed ?

Buyer Persona

Buyer persona is information about the customer your business targeting, and it is determined to be a very important step, as long as you have a clear image about your targeted customer through market research and data analysis , you will be able to craft the right digital marketing plan and the content format to achieve business marketing objectives, lets know how to create your buyer persona.

Create Buyer Persona :

In order to create your Buyer Persona you need to craft a card witch looks like ID card designed for a really or imaginary person, and contains all required data you get after research such as 
  • Demographic : ( Gender – Age – Location – Language )
  • Needs : What is his problem that your service or product are going to solve.
  • Barriers : what are the challenges that prevent him.
  • 5 places on the internet your buyer persona spend most of his time , and trying to find solution for their problem.

5 useful recourses to research your buyer persona information. 

1- you are the customer :

Number one recourse is simply to look at the mirror if the product or service that you are planning to promote and deliver has solved a problem you encountered, and there are thousands like you who need that unique experience.

Close Network

Directly ask your close network, your friends, and relative if they are having the same problem you are solving, what they are thinking about, and does it help to solve their problem, then analyze the replies to come up with the buyer persona information.

Questions and Answers Platform

Join the answering questions platform, for example, Quora is a social question and answer website, where you can ask or answer questions as well as comment on other’s questions, where you will find your buyer persona trying to find answers and solutions for his problem :

  • Create a free account if you do not already have one.
  • Search for questions using keywords that are related to your business or product.
  • Analyze the questions which your product or service is solving.
  • Get inspired with new ideas about your buyer persona needs.
  • Take a closer look at your buyer persona’s profile
  • Collect the required information and update Buyer Persona card.

Facebook Group

there are many groups on Facebook covering every topics in life that you can join , read and follow discussion related to your product or service, simply repeat the above steps  :

  • Search with keywords related to your product or service.
  • Filter the result by selecting Group tab from the top navigation menu.
  • Join the selected groups with the large number of followers.
  • Be active in the group, participate in discussion, read questions and answers and ask questions.
  • Collect your buyer persona information from the participants profile.

Online Survey :

Create digital online survey using any online tool that can provide the proper solution, and there are a quit many free tools to do the job for you like Google Form and Type Form for example, and follow these steps :

  • Make your survey to be completed in 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Decide the simple question to help you Create and validate your buyer persona.
  • Add E-Mail subscribe field before submit
  • Try to add Lead Magnet like free PDF to download special discount for the subscribers.
  • Find 3 Social Media platforms your buyer persona might be on and share your survey.

Unique Selling Preposition

Unique selling preposition is what will stand you out in the crowd, what will make your product or service better than others in the marketplace after you really understand your customers problems, needs and barriers.
the following some ideas to help you find your unique selling preposition :

Know your competitors : 

this can be done by Finding the best 3 names that offering similar solution you have, or providing alike product or service you are designing, Be one of there customers, analyze their service or product and ask your self what is good to take and what enhancements that needs to be applied.

Customers Review : 

Join and follow their accounts on social media subscribe in the website and revise other users comment and reviews, take points about what they took 5 star review for and what the reason make a customer give 3 star review.

Website analytics : 

analyzing competitors websites using free online tool like Similsrweb can give you great opportunity providing extremely useful information about their ranking in search engine, number of visitors and which country their traffic come from and top referrals that drive traffic to the website and a lot more.

Take action :

  • Create your Buyer Persona ID using mentioned tips and tools.
  • Join Facebook Group Digital Marketing Classroom , share your work, and receive feedback from other members
  • Find other members work and comment with your feedback.

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